Halloween Horrorsplosion 2016

October 1-31, 2016!

This October, PopCultureCast will be diving head first into the greatest (and not so greatest) horror movies of all time!  Each day, we'll post a different mini review of a horror movie that we think you should see!  That's right kids.  31 horror movie reviews in 31 days! 

We'll run the gamut from 1930's classics to modern day fright fests.  Suspense to slashers.  Zombies, werewolves, vampires, creeps and ghouls.  They'll all be included.  31 movies that we think that you should see this Halloween season.  

Unlike our normal reviews, these daily posts will be quick 1-2 paragraph reviews to whet your appetite for some scares.  We'll also actually be rating each film in the series.  Once a week, there will be a longer review of a horror movie remake for our Revisiting Remakes series!  

So much stuff going on in October for PCC!  We hope you're ready for the journey.  It's gonna be a fun and delightfully scary good time.  
