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The Jelly Jam / 2 / CD Review
InsideOut Music
What do you get when you chop off one of a Platypus’ legs? You get Jelly Jam, of course. With the departure of Dream Theatre keyboardist Derek Sherinian, Ty Tabor (of King’s X), John Myung (of Dream Theatre) and Rod Morgenstein (of Dixie Dreggs) decided to continue their side project by simply renaming it The Jelly Jam. However, there’s far less jamming in the current band than in the former band. In fact, the album is pretty much a straight up rock record with little prog noodling. 2 is more in line with Ty Tabor’s solo albums than any of his side project records of the past.
The album kicks off with the (almost) King’s X like “Not Today,” before going into all directions while still sounding similar. The disc is full of hooky rock songs like “Empty,” “Runaway,” and the frantic “War is…” But really, the band shines when they strip it down to the acoustic numbers like “Maybe” and the depressing “You Don’t Need Me Anymore.”
Fans of King’s X and Ty Tabor’s solo projects will enjoy this album. Dream Theatre fans looking for the 10 minute noodlefest will be disappointed. In fact, the longest song on the album clocks in at 5:34. 2 is an album that sounds like it was made by friends who just get together to jam and have a good time. It’s a solid album that rocks and has catchy hooks that’ll have you singing the songs for days.
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